Friday, June 4, 2010

Dora Week- Do you know what Dora week is?

Dora Week is so much fun. My Momma's cousin is named Dora and she comes to Florence every year for a week. We call it Dora Week and we drop everything and PLAY for the week that she is visiting.
Dora Week is now 22 YEARS OLD. But the tradition actually started long before that. Dora's Mother was my Great Aunt Geneva. I loved that woman! Aunt Geneva used to come stay with us when I was a little girl. She would come for a week and it would be a week of cooking, eating, hearing about her family, visiting cousins, telling old stories, laughing a lot, and going around town so everyone got to visit with Aunt Geneva. She was such a happy person and she took up so much time with me and she always made me feel like she really came to town just to visit Me. (I guess my Momma felt like she came to visit just her etc etc.)
Anyway, I loved the week Aunt Geneva came to visit because she stayed in my room and I got to sleep on this new thing called..."Wall to Wall Carpet" WOW that was great fun.
Aunt Geneva was called to be an Angel in 1987. Of course her daughter Dora came to Florence for the funeral and the burial in the family cemetery at Railroad Bed Cemetery in Iron City, TN.

The next year, 1988, Dora came for a week to visit us and to put flowers on her mother's grave and that was the week that began the 22YEAR TRADITION of Dora Week.

Now that you know about Dora Week I will tell you a little about Dora Week 2010 in my next post.

1 comment:

  1. Good Job!
    I knew you'd get the hang of it!
    Looking forward to reading more!
